Wednesday, September 4, 2013

An Armed Force that comes out from Oppression

An Armed Force that comes out from Oppression

September 4, 2013
An Armed Force that comes out from
As all know Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has been in power for more than 22 years in Ethiopia. TPLF took power with force and it rules the country with force applying draconian laws that deny basic human rights and the right of the people to elect its own government. Anyone who expresses its firm opposition to the TPLF regime in Ethiopia is convicted for terrorist act, citing the controversial ‘terrorist proclamation’ adopted by the regime to crush the opposition. Since TPLF took power, there is no free media, and the country became one of the countries with lots of exiled and jailed journalists.
The so called Ethnic federalism introduced into the country by TPLF turns to be ethnic racism, that threaten the sovereignty of the country. The Ethiopian ethnic federalism is a tool used to implement the dangerous divide and rule principle of TPLF. The current ‘Ethnic federalism’ in Ethiopia is properly designed to create hatred and suspicion among ethnic groups in the country. As a result there were lots of incidents where thousands were massacred after different ethnic groups are turned to each other.
Election is becoming a joke in Ethiopia. The election in 2005 was the first and the last resembling more or less democratic at its initial phase. The result was however stolen by TPLF and the woyane junta declared victory. During the 2010 election, TPLF declared a 96.9% victory which no one on earth can believe it is a democratic election. In the current Ethiopia, peaceful demonstrators get killed on streets and arrested with no conviction. Muslim brothers and sisters are the living examples who have faced this punishment every day at this time.
From a country with the described suffocating political atmosphere, Ginbot7 Popular Force (GPF) came out saying ‘enough is enough’ and calls all Ethiopians to stand by its side and fight for rule of law and justice in the country.
Ginbot7 popular Force has a vision of a vibrant and democratic Ethiopia, wherein the sovereign will of the Ethiopian people becomes the source of all political power, the full range of people’s rights are respected and the national unity, security and welfare of the country is adequately defended.
Ginbot7 Popular Force’s mission is forceful removal of the dictatorial regime of TPLF, usher the condition for peaceful and democratic transition, play a part in the creation of a strong and capable national defense, security and police forces whose only allegiance is to the constitution of the country, thereby, bringing an end to the existing affiliation of these institutions to the political forces in the country. It is therefore we give a positive response to this very timely call and support GPF.
In order you know more about GPF and can support it, a grand Fundraising Event is organized for the force in Oslo Norway on September 28, 2013.
Come and support G7PF!
Supporting GPF will shorten TPLF’s rule in Ethiopia!
Organized by Ginbot7 popular force fundraising task force

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